Topmost Knowledge Thoughts courtesy of live lectures based on India's Amazing Wisdom at Daily 5.45 pm India Time...
Topmost Knowledge
Thoughts courtesy of live lectures based on India's Amazing Wisdom at
Daily 5.45 pm India Time
The term 'over-religious' is a misnomer. The original constitutional position of every living entity is that he or she is a part and parcel of God and to render loving service to God. But under influence of material addictions, one may perceive someone as 'over-religious'
Practical experiment : If our friend or neighbour irritates us, then instead of sulking our minds with envious thoughts about them, we should disallow such negative thoughts and be compassionate mood towards them, like so that they won't have to suffer for the dishonesty. Then you would see that soon their hearts would melt and the ice would break and better relationship can ensue
Easiest Process? Ya..
Bhakti yoga is the most easiest way to realize the self in this age. In the process of Bhakti yoga there is no need to sit in meditation for a long time or focus on the void, or go to forest or to mountain to austerely practice meditation. One can continue with job, profession, hobbies at home and attain perfection of human life via Bhakti Yoga
Important practical tip : One should sincerely absorb the mind in divine activities before going to sleep, for example hear / watch divine talks or music etc at time of going to sleep. In this way, one would get divine or sweet dreams. and would feel mind as more fresh in morning
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Simple prayer if done with full sincerity can help make a human life perfect : My dear God, i am Yours! Please bless me so that my only desire is to please You, i do not want to enjoy separately from You
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Real Beauty is to reawaken the unlimitedly beautiful soul within the body by the time-tested Vedic process of bhakti-yoga. If one decorates the body with lipstick, eyebrow set or perfume but does not nourish the soul, then actually one becomes ugly. Originally, everyone is a Devotee of God, it is only a question of reawakening one's original consciousness
Is it healthy to masturbate?
Hear wonderful answers to this and many questions in this audio based on India's amazing Vedic wisdom, audio can be played in browser and is clear after first few minutes of technical disturbance Click here to hear the audio
Healthy practical tip : Before going to sleep at night, absorb yourself in transcendental sound vibrations, for example watch/hear the video(as below) before sleep, and surely you would get refreshing sleep, and sweet dreams too! One should make such open-minded experiments and see the result. One has made many experiments with material adjustments for sleep like sleeping pills, mundane music etc. There is no harm in making a transcendental experiment, but benefits are humungous! courtesy of
Wonderful Video :
Test of Maya based on India's amazing Vedic culture : Click here to watch the video
Very true : Since childhood, school and colleges for almost 12 years have not taught us moral science according to authorized knowledge, that is why if we read about moral messages on WhatsApp or other social media we feel bored. Due to being conditioned by material glitter, we see that a big percentage of society is morally degraded
If one is sincere to reconnect with God then God would send to him or her a path or messenger to facilitate the pure reconnection with Him. But if one has selfish material agenda or ambitions in the heart then God would send to him or her a path or messenger to facilitate the fulfillment of material ambitions. One has to to make a choice between surrender to God and surrender to material ambitions
Most of times, things can be better explained after anger has cooled down, than when explained in state of uncontrolled anger
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Even if unknowingly one takes someone's car, it is a theft then what to say of intentionally taking the car. Similarly, if we utilize natural resources like foodstuffs etc we should express gratitude for the resources, and offer the foodstuffs to God according to Vedic injunctions before eating. Learn this science at the e-course
Relationship between two human beings can be perfect only if God is the center of the relationship. Both should accept the teachings of God as top priority
Many people wake up early in morning to work hard to gain rewards, recognition and money from their professional work, which is not bad. But a very small percentage of people wake up early to work hard to nourish their souls and please God. Therefore inspite of great material advancement, 99.99 % of our society is morally impoverished
Our educational institutes have taught us many subjects which is okay, but hardly any school has taught us the purpose of our existence. So it our responsibility to our inner selves to get the topmost education of self realization from authorized Vedic texts, for which this rare human birth is given to us by God. J G
Material enjoyment is like chewing the chewed bubble gum. The enjoyment wears out in few moments. For example, sex enjoyment is few seconds. To run after such pleasure is foolishness. Real pleasure is in regaining one's connection with God and attaIning unlimited eternal enjoyment. This connection can be established through medium of God's bonafide representative coming down in disciplic succession from God Himself
Check out this amazing Vedic concept : if we have an argument with our friends or colleagues, then depending of time, place and circumstance, sometimes we have to bow down in arguement even if they are right, because sometimes relationship is higher than who is right or wrong. Ultimately, we get such friends because of our past misdeeds and desires. J V
We are part and parcel of God, so we cannot enjoy separately from God, like how all body parts get nourished by feeding to stomach. The enjoyment which is attained separately from God is temporary and leads to frustration (mundane movies, sports etc). So we should offer everything to God before taking anything. For example, eat only after offering foods first to God. God does not accept tamasic foods like onions, garlic, meat, fish, eggs. So we cannot offer or eat such foods. Actually we reached this planet because of desire to enjoy separately from God. J V
One can correct friends mistakes in mood of loving service so that they won't have to suffer for their mistakes, but not with intention of ego trip to take revenge for someone's mistake
God conscousness is a gradual process but if we take it with immediacy, it would be less gradual because God has ordered in Vedic texts that we should surrender to Him immediately
It is possible to become a Pure Devotee in a minute or moment.
One should have the determination that i should become fully surrendered to Krishna right now, at every moment
God conscousness is a gradual process but if we take it with immediacy, it would be less gradual because God has ordered in Vedic texts that we should surrender to Him immediately
It is possible to become a Pure Devotee in a minute or moment.
One should have the determination that i should become fully surrendered to Krishna right now, at every moment
If a person sincerely follows God's teachings, then God empowers the person to save others too. So we should strictly respect such person. It is also mentioned that such person should be given equal respect as God. Not only that, God has told in authorized Vedic texts that we can regain our love for God only via respect and service to the empowered person
In our authorized Vedic texts from India, it is mentioned that this is an age of quarrel and hypocrisy, and we can practically see this everyday in our society how people get agitated or angry at the slightest provocation. This is scientific proof of the authority of our Vedic texts, thus Vedic knowledge is not a sectarian religious sentiment but is an experiental (results can be experienced) science of God or an evidence based science
In both material and spiritual life, one has to struggle. Material benefits are at most, temporary. Spiritual benefits are permanent. One who is intelligent, would prioritize spiritual plans over material plans. Ofcourse, one can aspire to become an award winner in one's profession provided the mundane results are used in service of God based on India's authoritative Vedic knowledge. J V
In our authorized Vedic texts from India, it is mentioned that this is an age of quarrel and hypocrisy, and we can practically see this everyday in our society how people get agitated or angry at the slightest provocation. This is scientific proof of the authority of our Vedic texts, thus Vedic knowledge is not a sectarian religious sentiment but is an experiental (results can be experienced) science of God or an evidence based science
Wow, very true : Material success is predestined by past karma and desires, so over-endeavouring for material opulence is futile. One simply has to do material duties normally and material success would come on it's own accord by God's arrangement based on our past karma. Human life is rare opportunity to get spiritual success, God is ready to bring back everyone to the spiritual world, one should not delay God's readiness but should only desire to serve and love God and throw off from mind the mundane load of material opulence
Thoughts courtesy of world famous e-course at
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